A business opportunity involves the sale or lease of any product, service, equipment and so on that will enable the purchaser or a licensee to start a business or take-over an existing business.
Among business opportunities, the restaurant and food industry is the most popular activity for transferring existing businesses with a proven track record or an assets-sales allowing the new tenant to acquire the right to an existing lease, the permits to operate, a facility already in place to prepare food and/or involving a license to sell alcohol.
The process to transfer a business of this nature is called a “Bulk Sale”, this is done by an escrow company specialized in the businesses sales and this is protecting Buyer and Seller from future claims from creditors or government agencies.
As part of this process if an Alcohol License is transferred with the business, the Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) dictate the consumption of the sale, escrow cannot close the sale and no money can be disbursed by escrow until the license transfer is approved by ABC.
If you would like to settle in California and obtain a visa or a permit to operate a commercial or business activity, we can refer you to a specialized multilingual attorneys practice in immigration laws and investors visas EB5 or E2, the creation of corporations or LLC.